🎉 Season 5 Reflections, Milestones & An Exclusive Webinar by Valerie Probstfeld 🎉

Published about 1 month ago • 3 min read

Sh!t That Goes On In Our Heads

Podcast for Humor, Mental Health Insights, Compassion and Friendship

This Episode will drop on Tuesday Morning at 3 AM Eastern

Hello, Podcast Family!

Hey friends, it's G-Rex and Dirty Skittles here. We're feeling pretty grateful as we reflect on our journey through Season 5. It's been quite the adventure, full of ups and downs, and now we're on the cusp of sharing the finale with you – we think it'll really move you. Before that moment arrives, let's hit pause and take a little stroll down memory lane, appreciating all the milestones and insights we've gathered along the way. Cheers to all of us and the shared memories! 🎉

🚀 Season Milestones Recap 🚀

· Celebrated our **1-Year Anniversary** 🎂

· Skyrocketed to over **300,000 downloads** 📈

· Unveiled our **newsletter** 💌

· Delighted in heartfelt stories from our inspiring guests 🗣️

· We're locked in with inspiring line-ups for **Seasons 6, 7, and 8**! 📚

· In case you missed it G-Rex and Dirty Skittles were guests on “To Mom Is To Love” Podcast you can catch our episode here

🎙️ Season 5: Unveiling Resilience and Revelations🎙️

· KK: Taught us that stepping away from alcohol brings not just clarity, but a whole new way to savor life's joys.

· Marci: Revealed how redefining one's identity can be both a daunting and empowering process that reshapes friendships and personal growth.

· G-Rex: Shared a powerful personal tale, proving that hope is perennial and it's never too late for a new chapter of joy and fulfillment.

· Andrew: Shifted our paradigms by questioning our motivations and reframing our understanding of successes and setbacks.

· Mari: Reinforced the notion that therapy must be tailored to the individual, advocating the exploration of various healing modalities.

· Emma G: Encouraged us to articulate our journeys creatively, finding solace and expression through the power of music.

· Nicoa: Highlighted the importance of self-care over career demands, prompting personal reassessments and lifestyle transformations.

· Heather: Transformed a personal passion into a flourishing business, teaching us that embracing your true self is the root of success.

· Ruth: Showed unyielding determination and self-advocacy in face of adversity, embodying the spirit of resilience.

🌟 A Not-to-Miss Webinar on Mental Health 🌟

We're thrilled to invite you to a transformative panel discussion on mental health, lovingly curated by Valerie Probstfeld from the esteemed podcast, "To Mom is To Love."

· Date: Friday, April 12th

· Time: 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM Eastern

· Register for FREE: Don’t let this opportunity slip away! Reserve your seat by clicking here and get ready to be part of a meaningful dialogue.

**In this webinar, you'll be part of:**

· Engrossing **discussions with Mental Health Experts, Entrepreneurs, and Thought Leaders**.

· Insightful revelations on the **current and future state of mental health advocacy**.

· An energizing community that shares your passion for mental wellness and supportive dialogue.

The season finale is just around the corner, and it's going to be monumental! We're equally pumped for the heart-to-heart exchanges awaiting us at Valerie's webinar. Let's close out this season with the fervor and insight that have become our hallmark!

In the meantime, keep sharing your thoughts with us. Remember, it's okay to navigate through tough times. Keep reaching out, keep talking, and let’s keep the mental health conversation going.

Let’s expand the conversation about mental health and shatter the stigma together. Your voice is crucial. Join us, and let’s make a difference! 💌

With warmth and kindness,

G-Rex and Dirty Skittles

P.S. We’d love to hear your thoughts on the episode and your own stories of overcoming mental health challenges. Connect with us on Social Media our Links are below, and if you’re moved by our journey, consider subscribing, rating, and reviewing the podcast. Your support means the world to us!

G-Rex & Dirty Skittles

It's ok to be not ok, just make sure you're talking to someone

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